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The Story of Change

I started my company in 2018. It seems like a lifetime ago. A lot has happened and A LOT has changed. Let me explain a bit.

In 2017, I decided to go back to school for nutrition, just for fun. I was working full time, I had 2 kids and I just found out I was pregnant with my 3rd. I knew I had to finish my schooling before the baby came so I was up to my eyeballs in chaos, but I did it! I completed my certification as a Nutrition Consultant – Master Level from AFPA. Now with 3 kiddos, I was faced with a new question. What am I going to do with this degree?

I started cooking as a private chef and working with a meal prep company as a nutrition consultant. I was giving individual consultations and working with different organizations. I was saying yes to everything because I wanted to find something that fit...... me. All of this was great and fine, but it felt like something was missing. The meal prep company I was with took over a school lunch program and from there, I knew there was something there with the kiddos. I loved being around them. I loved seeing their faces and working with their parents to create a relationship.


I was home with 3 kids under 6, my oldest being in Kindergarden. We did not know which way was up for about 2 years. The rules kept changing, the protocol was different and we never knew what the next day would bring. I remember a time during this when all 3 kiddos' schools were shut down and they provided us with a zoom schedule. I had a white board in the kitchen with time increments for both of the older kiddos for when they had to be on zoom classes (a 6 and 4 year old) while holding a 2 year old running back and forth making sure everything was ok from 8am - 3:05pm Yes, I had support from my spouse and I am not complaining about the situation; which every person has a right to do because IT SUCKED. However, that is not the point I am trying to make right now.

From a business standpoint, my dream was crushed. There was no funding for school nutrition. Nor did anyone care. We all just went through hell! So I took a moment and tried to figure out what to do. Finally in September of 2022, I met with the Principal of my children's school. I explained my idea of a cooking class for kids. I met with every human that would listen to me. It took until February of 2023 to get approval and in March, we had our first test pilot program.

First Class to Graduate from the Program
Graduation Day

The class itself was beautiful. I am so grateful still that these parents let me work with their kiddos because this class made me believe I could do it. From there, I talked to anyone who would listed about hosting this class and finally, Fattey Beer Co in Orchard Park gave me the green light to host classes in their space over the summer of 2023. From there that launched into what we have today. I pushed and pulled and tried A LOT of stuff; some more successful than others. I wanted to take a year to see if this was going to be successful. Do people like it or is it just my friends supporting me? I feel very confident that what we have created is AWESOME! So here we are, 1 year since opening. I know how hard I pushed myself and how far I have come. I now have a feeling that this is what I am meant to do!

I wanted to create something that can grow. I wanted to create somewhere for others to join who also want to succeed in this field. I want to be there for families and our community. So now, I welcome you to

UpBeet Cooking


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