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Dishes from Thailand

So exciting!

Ok so there is a lot to talk about when it comes to Thailand and all the things within it. If you had some time to look over the last post, you would see that just like any country you visit, it depends on which region of the country you are in and the flavors will be so different. The idea of pairing such different flavors together gets me excited about new and different things. So here we go with starting off right.

One of the most common dishes we spoke about was Pad Thai. There are several versions of this and when you are out to eat, you can also express what level of heat or spiciness you want it to be. Here is a simple Pad Thai recipe if you want to experiment and start out. I would add shrimp or chicken to it as well.

Since it is getting nicer outside these days, I thought added some ideas for salads would be fun.

You want to be fancy and get out that noodle maker, maybe try a

Need some of the good kind of carbs? (yes there are good carbs friends). Try a

As for the main course, I thought a variety of different options would be nice. All easy and not too invasive.


It has white rice listed on the recipe. Substituting brown rice instead of white will take away from the authentication of the dish, but will make is healthier.


Rocking a bunch of veggies and nuts... how can you go wrong

For the not too crazy adventurous people in our lives, this might be a good one to start with.



All of these sounds great and I cannot wait to hear about what you might have tried!

Happy Cooking :)

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