New Name . All the Same Fun
Need a talk for a group of people?
A customized presentation
could do the trick.
Base Pricing
Presentation: $200
Including food and/or food demo:
Price based on qty of participants
List of Current Presentations Offered
What is their secret? Debunking Diet Myths.
Every day you hear someone talking about how they are "doing this" to help them shed the pounds. During this presentation, we will discuss some common myths on weight loss tales & the truth behind them.
Some topics include:
"Organic vs non-organic", how often you eat & Protein shakes.
Stress Eating
We all have it .. Stress.
But How much does it alter our life and how can food alone help and change it!
Healthy Eating for a Hectic lifestyle
How do working families have time to make healthy meals and what is healthy anyways?
This presentation will give helpful tips on how to make healthy meals without killing yourself or your budget.
Reading food labels
What am I supposed to look at when reading the labels at the grocery store?
This presentation will provide you with a better understanding on the label meanings and what to look for.
Workouts & Food. How, when & what to eat
We all do some form of a workout, but how many times do you still feel tired after a workout? Or how often do you catch yourself saying"well I worked out so i can eat what I want now".
Here we will discuss what the body needs when we work out and what we can do by paring food with our workouts
Carb, fat or protein
What's the truth?
Everyone hears a different take on carbs, fats & proteins; whether they are good or bad or a combination of all three.
During this presentation, we will discuss what a fat, carb and protein are, how the body uses them and how we can use them to our advantage
Get in Touch
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Fill out the attached form and someone will contact you shortly with more information.